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Science Has a Word for Those People Who Just Really Annoy Everyone For No Apparent Reason

Jessica Stillman
3 min readAug 9, 2022


Take a minute before you read this post and look around your office (or classroom or coffee shop). Is there anyone there who just always annoys you? Is there a person who consistently energizes you?

Chances are good the answer is yes. And chances are also excellent that you thought this was just some personal quirk of yours. It doesn’t make huge amounts of sense, after all, that some people instantly and for no apparent reason put your teeth on edge or make you smile. But I have good news for you: you’re not a weirdo!

This ability of some people to completely annoy everyone for no apparent reason is a recognized scientific phenomenon. It’s called “affective presence” and The Atlantic investigated the subject in a fascinating article (hat tip to The Cut).

Science can’t figure out why some people are just so annoying.

“A small body of psychology research supports the idea that the way a person tends to make others feel is a consistent and measurable part of his personality. Researchers call it ‘affective presence,’” reports Julie Beck in the piece.

For some people their affective presence is a huge positive — others just relax when they walk in a room…

